C - Definitions

  • C

    content aggregator

    A content aggregator is an individual, organization or tool that gathers web content and applications from different online sources for reuse.

  • content analytics

    Content analytics, also known as content intelligence, is the process of measuring and analyzing how users interact and engage with digital content.

  • content management (CM)

    Content management (CM) is the process for collection, delivery, retrieval, governance and overall management of information in any format.

  • Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS)

    Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) is a specification for allowing users to share and access data across multiple content management (ECM) systems. 

  • content management system (CMS)

    A content management system (CMS) is a software application that lets users create, edit, collaborate on, publish and store digital content.

  • content services platform

    A content services platform is cloud-based SaaS software that enables users to create, share, collaborate on and store text, audio and video content.

  • content sprawl

    Content sprawl is a condition of an organization's content assets in which proliferation and unmanaged growth have led to an unwieldy mass that is difficult to manage.

Business Analytics
Data Management